Work Arrangement, Analytical is better than Matrix 分析式的分工管理比矩阵模式更科学

  • I am trying to apply my creation of knowledge to analyze a workplace problem, and I found "Work Arrangement, Analytical is better than Matrix", what is the method anyway? 
  • Don't you feel Matrix Industry is a little bit too problematic? Is biggest work intensity good? What is the best work arrangement? I suggest using analytical pattern trying to have an insight of work arrangement pattern.
  • So don't maximize your producing volume, second don't let people's work overlapped, and let a group of people work for one project. etc... I am still not quite clear about what method I am applying but it is definitely "engineering philosophy" and "optimization of logics". 
  • Basically says: adopt creative working arrangement pattern won't let your production go down, and of course, people should follow the project as aim instead of time as aim, and still, the elastic working hours of one individual is good, and boss don't have to settle aim too big.
A work can be done by both workers by seperating it. Two works can be done by a same person if doing them in different time.

I am drawing a table describe company expansion and competition, also it can also been used to describe certain work done by two people or two people done two different things. It is an engineering philosophy table.

Analytical Analysis: Which is smarter.

Matrix Habit: Which is old and not efficient and cruel.

My thoughts on this table is belows:

It is said it is more efficient that the whole workload is not the biggest but smaller which can help two people work seperately by time, and it is better to following project to work instead of following rigid working time to work.

When people A and B can work in their time seperately for two tasks; and A and B can be engaged in one project both, or both not.

If we think people should go to work on time because the time schedule is set, it is worse a pattern. And if A is working and B is not working is possible and free, thus it is better don't let A and B folding in task.

It is similar with nowadays "project driving", "elastic work hour". And I think this work style can help creative work also will not make production go less.

The old pattern is described in second picture.
Though it is a matrix, and at most production requirement, it is still low efficient.

